Pregnancy Myths

From the very start of pregnancy, mothers are subjected to various traditional do’s and don’ts, some of which have been proven but many of these beliefs do not have substantial scientific or medical evidence to back them up. Despite this many women swear by them! Your loved ones may bombard you with innumerable ‘tips’ in the excitement of your pregnancy, but remember to practice only what you deem is right, in accordance with what your medical practitioner advices. General pregnancy myths Myth: Women decide the sex of the baby. FALSE. The male’s sperm is the deciding factor in determining the baby’s gender. Myth:...

How to Avoid Abdominal Separation During Pregnancy

Diastasis recti-Abdominal Separation How can I reduce and minimize this pregnancy condition? Diastasis recti- Diastasis recti is a condition where the two right and left sides of the rectus abdominis (your "six-pack" muscle) spreads apart at the body's mid-line (the linea alba). Separation occurs in response to your uterus pushing against the abdominal wall and pregnancy hormones which soften connective tissue. Separation can occur at any time in the last half of pregnancy but is most problematic after pregnancy when the abdominal wall is weak, when there is no longer a baby inside to aid support. Premature separation can also be...

Trying to Get Pregnant

To get pregnant at a very young age especially at a very young age is a pity to see, however; to get pregnant at 40’s is a not good to see either. Pregnancy is very delicate because there is a little angel growing inside you. Thus, a pregnant woman and woman trying to get pregnant must take necessary measures so that the baby is healthy as we all wanted them to be. A baby in a family adds joy and happiness. Even how tough the day is at work or even at home doing all chores, the baby will always eases it with their lovely smiles and giggles. It is just so devastating to see mothers on TV leaving their babies in the garbage and...

Sample Pregnancy Meal Plan

I have prepared a sample pregnancy meal plan for 8 days following closely thePregnancy Food guide.Pregnant women need additional 300 calories per day to allow the mother's body to change and the baby to grow. The calorie needs may vary according to your pre-pregnancy weight and the amount of weight need to be gained. Day1Breakfast : Carrot juice\Apple juice\orange juice\cranberry juice,Pomegranate Bread,Boiled Egg,milkLunch:Fish vegetable cutlets,Broccoli rice Casserole ,Carrot PuddingDinner:Vegetable Sprouts Noodles, Low fat Cranberry Creme BruleeSnacks:Guacamole with multi grain chipsDay2BreakFast:Whole Fruit(Apple/pears/plum/peaches/banana),Fruit...

Learning About Pregnancy From A to Z

Learning About Pregnancy From A to Z – Some pregnancies are wonderful, but others are not so nice. Taking good care of your body means a much more manageable pregnancy. Use the tips in this article to raise the odds in your favor for feeling great during your pregnancy. When you need bigger clothes, buy them. You are sure to be far more comfortable and will have expanded wardrobe options. You should never be embarrassed about going maternity clothing shopping. Only you can determine what looks good and feels right for you. Make sure you’re changing all litter boxes for your cat in the household. Cat urine and feces contain chemicals...
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